Shaping Success Through Recruitment: Speednet’s Approach to Hiring. 

Team People
September 11, 2024 | Company Culture

It’s no secret that every company strives to build a cohesive and effective team. But how do we achieve this? The answer lies in an efficient recruitment strategy – a well-planned approach to attracting, hiring, and retaining the best talent. So, how do we ensure that our recruitment process and approach to candidates stand out in today’s competitive marketplace? A thoughtful and well-structured recruitment process is essential. It enables companies to find and hire individuals who not only meet the formal requirements of the position but, just as importantly, align with the company’s organizational culture. Skills alone are not enough. It’s equally important that employees resonate with the company’s values and feel that these values align with their personal beliefs

Employees who strongly identify with a company’s values contribute the most to its growth and success. They support strategic objectives and drive long-term development. Such employees are also more likely to engage in long-term cooperation and demonstrate greater commitment to their daily responsibilities.  
Selecting the right candidate reduces employee turnover, which in turn lowers the costs associated with recruitment, training, and onboarding. In short, a well-executed recruitment process is crucial to a company’s success, as it impacts key areas such as efficiency, organizational culture, brand perception, cost management, and long-term growth. Moreover, the candidate’s experience during recruitment lays the foundation for a positive employee experience from the very beginning. 

A well-crafted recruitment strategy also enhances the company’s image as an employer. Candidates who have a positive experience during the recruitment process are not only more likely to join the organization but also to recommend it to others, thereby increasing its attractiveness in the job market. To ensure a positive candidate experience, it’s vital to follow a few best practices. First and foremost, we provide all candidates with a professional and respectful experience, regardless of the outcome. This includes offering timely, honest, and constructive feedback after interviews

Not every recruitment process ends with a job offer, but we make an effort to maintain relationships with promising candidates who might not be the right fit for a particular role but could be a great match for future opportunities. In doing so, we continue to build a positive employer brand, even among candidates who were unable to join Speednet at the time.

What does the recruitment process look like at Speednet?

With all the above in mind, and considering how recruitment impacts so many important aspects of our organization, we base our process on three key pillars:

1. We do our homework.

Before initiating any search for the ideal candidate, we focus on thoroughly understanding our business needs. We collaborate closely with the Delivery and Solutions departments to ensure we capture all essential requirements. 

2. We value open communication.

From the very beginning of the recruitment process, we ensure that candidates interested in IT positions can easily find information about Speednet’s open roles. Not only on our website but also through popular job boards and LinkedIn promotions. We pay great attention to crafting our job advertisements so that candidates can easily find key details about the position, employment conditions, recruitment process, and the company itself. 

3. We prioritize candidate support. 

We strive to ensure that every candidate is fully informed about the recruitment process, the next steps, who their point of contact is at Speednet, who will conduct their interview, and when they can expect a final decision. 

By implementing these strategies, we believe we have created a distinctive and attractive recruitment process that not only attracts top talent but also ensures a positive and memorable experience for all candidates. Furthermore, we constantly seek ways to improve by regularly gathering feedback from candidates and new hires to identify areas where our recruitment process can be enhanced.

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