#TeamSpeednet: Mariusz, webmaster and our superhero

My next interviewee is Mariusz. Mariusz is a webmaster and our company superhero. I invite you to read the interview in which he reveals the secrets of his work.
Hi Mariusz, I’m glad you took the time to talk to me! Let’s start with the most straightforward question. How long have you been working at Speednet as webmaster, and what precisely do you do? I see, and how long have you been in the industry? Do you see any drastic changes over the years? Could you outline the pros and cons?
Mariusz: I’ve been in the industry almost as long as I’ve worked at Speednet – this is my first serious job. I’m not counting the internships I’ve had the opportunity to do before here. If you’re asking about changes, it’s hard for me to relate to the industry. I can say more about what it looks like in my job as webmaster. With technological advances and growing awareness, creating and managing websites has become much easier and more efficient. One such factor is the development of browsers, which allows us to create more advanced and interactive pages. It is also easier to prepare layouts. Another aspect is the new tools, such as those used by UX, which make it easier for us to transfer their vision into code. I cannot point out any disadvantages, comparing the period I started to the present.
Super, and if you had to give one piece of advice to someone who wants to enter the industry, what would it be?
Mariusz: First and foremost, ask a lot. Regardless of the industry, communication is a crucial element that can make life significantly easier and save you valuable time. You can gain a new and completely different perspective on a particular issue by talking to another person.
This is valuable advice for everyone. I want to bring up another topic. We are a while after the release of the new Speednet.pl website, and I know this is not your first time working on changes to our website as webmaster. What was the work like from your perspective?
Mariusz: The latest version we’ve just released is the third one I’ve worked on; comparing them can be difficult. These sites were all created over a few years, so the approach and solutions have changed significantly. Each key had pros and cons. The first was based on static pages, which were lightweight and loaded quickly. Due to the more extensive content, such a solution would not work in subsequent versions, and the choice was made for one of the CMS. The second version of the site contained many attractive graphic elements, which had an exciting aesthetic effect. On the other hand, the latest version of the website was refreshed once again, thanks to our UX team. We aimed for a solution that would make managing the content as easy as possible without involving a developer, which is a definite advantage.
All right, but you’re not just working on this project as webmaster, right? Can you tell us about one project that you remember best?
Mariusz: I have been through quite a few projects during this time; I have been involved with Onet.pl projects as webmaster from the beginning and the company website to a large extent. I’ve spent a lot of time on both projects; I feel good about them, and most importantly, they allow for continuous development. At the very beginning, I didn’t work on the Onet.pl itself but on the creation of Sympatia Plus. For those people who do not know Sympatia.pl – a little trivia. It was the first dating portal in Poland, created in 2002.
That’s right, Sympatia.pl – there was even a question about this portal in our corporate game show, and since we’re already talking about our company events – I remember that at the last Christmas party, you received the Speednet.pl SUPERHERO award. It was an award for the hero of the year, who has impeccable manners and can solve any problem. Can you tell me what your secret is?
Mariusz: I will admit that I was surprised by the award. I can only solve some problems alone – just as often, I need support on various issues. As I mentioned earlier, asking questions and talking to others is good. When I don’t know the answer, I speak to the team, but at the same time, I am also happy to answer their questions. When someone takes a fresh look at a particular topic, solutions emerge. Honestly, I don’t feel like a superhero; I try to solve problems. Nevertheless, the recognition itself is very lovely.
All right, and how do you motivate yourself to work as webmaster at this level?
Mariusz: That’s a difficult question… This is how I work. I plan my work to concentrate on one task at a time as much as possible. Apart from that, I complete everything at such a level that I am satisfied with the results even after a long time, which can be challenging.
In addition to company projects, you are also involved in various initiatives. You won the company Formula 1 this season. Where did the idea for such a competition come from?
Mariusz: Speednet supports many initiatives and interests. I don’t remember the exact start of F1, but I was keen to participate in virtual racing. When we gathered the willing participants, we set the rules, which evolved slightly between seasons. In 2020, we launched the first season of #SpeednetGrandPrix and have continued the initiative until now. We recently finished the third season.
Can you tell us more about the games? Is Formula 1 a hobby of yours?
Mariusz: Yes, as much as possible. We start the season by setting the calendar; once a week, we meet virtually to play the Grand Prix, which takes about half an hour. At the end of the games we organise a team-building outing, so far it has been go-karts. At the end of the last season, a bonus prize was a draw for a Lego Technic set. I got lucky, and the set, a replica of the McLaren F1 car, ended up in my collection, which already has a lot of groups, mainly from the Technic series, Speed Champions and Modular.
But coming back to the topic of Formula 1, last year, the idea of going to a Grand Prix was raised among the league participants; the choice was Hungary and the Hungaroring circuit. It’s worth it to see the race live; the excitement and atmosphere are incredible, plus you get to see all the surroundings not visible in the reports. It would be more difficult to go alone, but it is just a pleasure with such a team.