IT outsourcing - loss of project control or smart use of specialists' knowledge?

Julia Grycner
September 6, 2022 | Business Insights

Why do Polish and foreign corporations increasingly prefer to use the support of external IT specialists? What makes Polish outsourcing companies operate in markets around the world? Is outsourcing a good way to reduce employment costs? Is it better to hire full-time IT professionals or create outsourced IT teams?

Learn the 5 advantages of IT outsourcing that we see at Speednet and see if it’s something for you.

What is IT outsourcing?

Where the work of full-time programmers is no longer sufficient, or where you want to reduce the costs and paperwork of such cooperation, it is worth implementing outsourcing, i.e. acquiring the support of an external IT company. Professional and specialized programmers from the software house of your choice can replace the company’s IT department and even give additional value and broader knowledge. They can also introduce a whole new quality and considerable savings.

IT outsourcing is done through:

  • nearshoring – outsourcing tasks to specialists from a nearby country,
  • onshoring – working with IT experts close to the company’s headquarters,
  • offshoring – using programmers located in the territories of farther-flung countries.

Let’s focus particularly on the latter.

Offshore outsourcing – is Poland a good country for outsourcing IT tasks and projects?

Both large foreign corporations and SME brands are increasingly noticing the potential of Polish IT specialists. Why? We can give at least 5 reasons:

  1. Polish programmers rank 3rd among global IT experts, according to a ranking by the HackerRank portal.
  2. Poland is located in the centre of Europe, well connected to the rest of the world.
  3. Poland’s geopolitical situation is stable and free of internal and external conflicts.
  4. Our IT professionals are at the forefront of Eastern European countries when it comes to their level of education and English proficiency.
  5. Poland’s membership in the European Union guarantees adherence to legal norms and makes it possible to benefit from tax and tariff concessions.

IT outsourcing – what is most often subcontracted?

The competence and experience of IT professionals from external companies are particularly recognized primarily in developing websites and applications – in our case, this is most often in the banking, fintech and edtech industries. The given guarantee of providing top-quality services, in turn, influences reputation and builds brand credibility.

Web & app development

Thanks to specialization in a particular field, a programmer-outsourcer can create an interactive website and an optimal application adapted to the latest Android and iOS updates much faster.

Software development

The quality of software affects the results of every member of the company. An outsourced IT company such as Speednet will build a reliable database management system or take care of effective and trouble-free utility software.

SLA support

Defining the scope and level of services provided, or Service Level Agreement (SLA), is a critical element of cooperation with an outsourcing company. An adequately prepared agreement always guarantees the satisfactory quality of support received.

Advantages of IT outsourcing in Poland

Poland boasts top-class IT experts. You can gain an advantage over your competitors by using their outsourcing services. What are the benefits of such a form of cooperation with programmers?

Easy access to certified IT specialists with a strong portfolio

You outsource individual tasks to a person whose specialization is confirmed by a strong portfolio and experiences gained during many specific projects. You increase the efficiency and productivity of your work and ensure the smooth execution of the project.

Full control over the project and project management at the highest level

IT outsourcing means safety, convenience, and security, but most importantly full control over the project. You do not waste time on personnel issues and paperwork. You can completely focus on the project at hand.

IT outsourcing = lower costs, greater savings, and less paperwork

Using the support of subcontractors, you save on

  • social benefits,
  • bonuses and allowances,
  • regular payments, mandatory regardless of the quality of work of a full-time staff member.

For this, you’ll pay the outsourcer only when he performed a task for us and only for what he did. The money saved is profit, which can be used for further investments.

Scalability, speed, and dynamic response to project changes

IT outsourcing makes it easy to adapt both the number and specialization of employees to current and dynamically changing needs. What’s more, thanks to the simultaneous work of subcontractors residing in different time zones, project implementation takes place 24 hours a day.

IT project consulting and auditing – an objective view of a specialist “from the outside”.

IT services companies have experience in implementing projects in various industries, markets, and countries. Thus, they are unbiased, independent, and objective about each project. They are much quicker than a full-time employee to perceive a threat, anticipate the emergence of a malfunction, and rectify faults.

IT outsourcing – is it worth it? Summary

Cooperation with outsourcing companies is a trend that is growing globally and there is no indication that it will stop. Using the support of Polish programmers is an effective way to increase productivity and reduce costs. How much will your company gain from this? You can find out with the IT experts from Speednet. Write to us and find out more!

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